Object Shows Community

She is a very cool (and also at least a little bit nice, at least once or two times when interacting with her friends) pink square, making this she a non-object. also, she loves to eat stuff that absolutely can't be eaten by anyone and also drink stuff that absolutely can't be drink by someone (one of these examples are nonexistent food (including Nonexisty), which is her favorite type of food).


She exists in all of the existent dimensions (and universes too, including the negative ones), making her (beyond true) omnipresent, she is also beyond true:

  • Omniarch - Rule all things.
  • Omnifarious - Take on any and all existing forms, shapes, varieties, or kinds.
  • Omnificence - Create anything and everything from nothing.
    • Almighty Object Manifestation - Create artifacts of nigh limitless power.
    • Omnireplication - Duplicate anything.
  • Omnilock - Exist outside of everything.
    • Absolute Immortality - Total, absolute immortality.
    • Freedom - Be absolute free of any boundaries, even from destiny.
  • Omniscience - Know everything and anything.
    • Absolute Senses - Possess senses enhanced to omniversal scale.
    • Enlightenment - Possess full comprehension of the omniverse.

Due to all these things, it makes her one of the most powerful object show characters in existence, she is also infinitelly beyond grant morrison's (as the writer, known to appear in the DC comics) true power.
