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Unpainted Gaty is a female contestant in Battle For The Respect Of Dora.


Unpainted Gaty is a very neutral but still pretty happy person who enjoys the company of others. One of her favorite past-times is to do a little jumping dance that she didn't named because she didn't know how to name it. She is sometimes called boring by a few contestants because she is known for her lack of opinions on anything. She doesn't know how to name things, what to say in specific times and she has no opinions to anything. If she is asked of what opinion she has over a specific thing, she will always reply by stating that the only thing she knows is the appearance of the thing (she will describe the thing a bit) and says that she has no feelings over it. She will sometimes even say that she will get back to it later but even after this, she still has nothing to say. Like her normal counterpart, she is mostly calm but unlike the normal Gaty, she isn't very smart and often has a hard time remembering things that she said or what she wanted to do. She also doesn't normally think before she acts and isn't the most expressive around (however she is not as expression-less as Anvil). She is decently social with most and the thing she often do with them is telling of what she has seen before. She is rarely negative and she is often shown with a smile on her face. PDA has an idea on being able to make her have opinions on things and that makes some quite excited. Apart for being somewhat acrobatic, she has almost no talents on anything. Unpainted Gaty doesn't mind if she is called Unpainty by the others (mostly because she has no opinions on that nickname). Overall, Unpainted Gaty is an incredibly neutral, positive and simple person who might be boring at first glance but might became easy to sympathize with thanks to her mostly positive attitude and her possible funny dialogue.
