Object Shows Community

Tanky is a male OC created by NetherWorks and was one of his first DeviantArt OCs.



Tanky appears to be a military tank with a simple design. His design has a green cube-shaped body with a turret on top and 2 grey treads on the sie.


Tanky has the same shaped base and treads as before, but he is a navy blue cube. There are two cyan tanks on his side with little cyan tubes leading towards a railgun-like turret. His face is also now blue.


Tanky is a sweet and adventurous kiddo. He loves anything that can take his mind off from the past and likes to hang out with friends, including his best friend Floating Robotic Naval Bomb (or Naval). He has smart ideas and is not afraid to use his turret/cannon if he has to.

Reference card[]

"Tanky is a curious fela. He always seems interested in his surroundings and acts like a child."


  • Tanky is one of Nether's first limbless contestants
  • Tanky is able to survive underwater, his turret doubling as an oxygen tank and mask.
  • Both him and Naval are similar in some ways
    • Both are limbless
    • Both have a dramatic backstory that ends up with them killing a relative
    • Both competed in BFDIT
    • Both are 'war machines'


Filler because yes
