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Learning English is the fourth episode of OC Shorts.


(Volkswagen Logo points to a chalkboard in front of Nacho who is sitting at a desk)

Volkswagen Logo: Alright Nacho, we're gonna learn some English! Do you know how the language started?

Nacho: ¡Obviamente!

Volkswagen Logo: Good that you want to know! So... (points to a map of the UK) this is England!

Nacho: No, es Japón!

Volkswagen Logo: Do you know what languages they speak in England?

Nacho: ¡INGLÉS! 

Volkswagen Logo: No, it's English!

Nacho: Eso es lo que acabo de decir!

Volkswagen Logo: So you want to learn more eh?


Volkswagen Logo: Alright let's skip the introduction. So, what is this? (Writes the word 'hello' on the chalkboard and points to it with one of those pointing finger sticks teachers use)

Nacho: Uhh... uhh... hola? 

Volkswagen Logo: Close enough! (Erases 'hello' and writes 'goodbye' on the board) What's this?

Nacho: OKAY SIR, I KNOW HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH! I'VE AL... wait a minute, I can speak English! Yes! (Runs up to Volkswagen Logo and kisses him on the lips) Yes! Yes! (Runs out of the clasroom) Hello! 

Volkswagen Logo: Hmm... close enough.
