Object Shows Community

Basically all the recommended characters and new BFB characters Hurt And Heal.


1. You can only hurt and heal every two hours,posting in between that time means that hurt/heal doesnt count.

2. After you kill a character,you can get an item,There are four items,Which item you get is decided randomly.

3.  Do not cheat. If you do so you get a warning.

4. Do not try and force other people to heal/hurt characters,its their decision,if I see comments in telling people to stop heaing/hurting "character name" you will get a warning

5. Three warnings mean you get banned for 12 hours on this HaH.

6. 10 is the maximum limit of healing,after that you cannot heal that character.

7. At the Final 5,all character health get set back to 5.


There are four items in the game

Shield: If you use shield on a character,that character cannot be hurt for 4 hours.

Sword: Sword will do three damage to the character you use it on.

Healing Potion: Healing potion will heal 3 health of character you use it on.

Prison: If you use Prison on a character,you cannot hurt or heal that character for 6 hours.

User's Items[]

NahuelFire39: Healing Potion

InfinityBlade2995: Prison

