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This Game Based on of Terminator movies and games and Super Smash Bros. Object Shows.

Super Smash Bros. Object Shows: Terminator Unleashed is a science fiction crossover fighting game

Super Smash Bros


"In the year 2078. The Skynet travels to returned and invades Earth to destroyed and killed everything. After 8 days later, the heroes are traveled in abandoned place. The Skynet machines builds their own civilization and terminating humans for rest of the no longer life."

Stage Fighters

Assist Trophies

Assist Trophies are a feature. They are characters which help you in some way, either by damaging the opponent or collecting (or giving) items. 


Audios and Voice Lines


  • "AAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOO" (Translation: ⟒⌖⏁⟒⍀⋔⟟⋏⏃⏁⟒ ⊑⏃⍀⎐⟒⌇⏁⟒⍀.)




Image Will Be Added

  • Caveminator (Skynet Cave)
  • HK-Hawk (Roadway West)
  • HK-Flighter (Sky Station)
  • JK-Jet (Sky Station)


  • Los Angeles, 2029 A.D.
  • Skynet Base
  • Terminator Factory
  • Skyneted Yoyle City
  • Los Angeles, 1984
  • Skynet Mothership
  • Roadway West
  • Abandoned Gasoline Station
  • Sky Station
  • Los Angeles Invasion


Main Article: Super Smash Bros. Object Shows: Terminator Unleashed/Cutscene Transcripts

Bosses Introduction Voices


  • "*Buzzing noises*"
  • "*Lands on ground from far with the buzzing noises*"
  • "*Burst out of the ground with the heavy buzzing noises*"

T-3000 (Skinned as John Conner)

  • "I will never protect you for my last chance."
  • "Do you realize about this Future War. Now let's fight."

Bosses Half-Healthbar Phase 2

Harvester (After On The Stage)

  • "*Aggressive buzzing noises and files to land stage*"
  • "*Heavier buzzing noises and jumps on stage*"

T-3000 (After Became Skinless)

  • "You do can ever defeat ME?!"
  • "This cannot BE worst!"
  • "You a goddamn idiots!"

Icon Bars


Bosses Healthbars
