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Visting a World[]

Ancient Egypt:The Riddle of the Pyramids[]

Pirate Seas:Watch your Sharks![]

Wild West:The American Frontier[]

Far Future:Radiation the Robots[]

Dark Ages: Royality about Fairy Ring Mushroom[]

Big Wave Beach:Vacation Fight![]

Arabian Nights:Sandworms got Eaten![]

Ancient Japan:Evil attacks Ancient Japan[]

Prehistoric Ages:Monkeys stole our Bananas[]

Indian Ages:Native America[]

Neon Mixtape Tour:Radical 80's[]

Roaring 20's:Fedora stole the Money![]

Frostbite Caves:Frozen[]

Cambrian Explosion:Search the Sea[]

Space Oddesey:Houston,We have a Problem![]

Lost City Of Gold:Go in the Goldala[]

Atlantis:Netty rehopes the Water[]

Kung Fu World:Wreack the Chinise Noodles[]

Jurrasic Marsh:Dinosaur want to Eat some Meat[]

Disco Nights:Party Time![]

Mordern Day(Part 1):Back to the Shadow![]

Steam Ages/Steampunk Ages:Out of Steam Batteries[]

Historical March:World War II[]

Rockin' 50's:Take our Milkshakes[]

Old Toon World:Who get the cat come From?[]

Ancient Greece:Mount Olympus[]

Viking Shores:Smash our Hammer![]

Roman Ages:Warning! This is a Zombie,Bust Head![]

90's Raves:Hard Rockin 50's[]

Renaissance Age:Perfume in Love[]

Celtic Ireland:Clovers for You[]

Ancient Mexico:You are the Chilling Hot![]

Black Death:Beware of the Black Mouse[]

French Revolution:Bonjour,My Old War[]

Dinolandz:Jurrasic World[]

Fallen Technology:The Dark World[]

Starter Schools:Let's get the school Started![]

Hippie Times:Gonna bet Hip-hop![]

Chaotic Castle:Story in the Gray World[]

Sky City:Electric in thrilling Storm[]

Parrallel Universe:No matter What is the Era[]

Terminator Unleashed:The Spider Bots[]

The Rook's Race:Ready Set,Race![]

Sunset Island:Early Beach Trips[]

Retro 90's:Pixelated Games[]

Sweet World:So sweet,But what that taste Like?[]

Mordern Day (Part 2):Powering all of You![]

Firey:Were back,Moonflower

Moonflower:Yes. we all here,Grimrose,where is the moon

Grimrose:Here,in the sky

Everyone Else:Woah!

Money Bag:Can we powerful idea! Can we use Conceal-mint.


Coiny:That's we know!


Fairy Ring Mushroom:Eat shadow beans

Fries:Second,look at the moon.


Blue Planet:Thrid,you have shadow eyes!

Stop Sign:And finally! Use Conceal-Mint!

The zombies look up

Conehead:Wait,if we do,lets use Basketball to throw down.

Bikini:Oh,you right!

The objects turn powered

Firey (Powered):Yay! We powered.

Moonflower (Powered):Yes,we can,um Grimrose,what happen?

Grimrose (Powered):Uh,i'm Evil

The Zombies run foward

Conehead:Whats that?!

Fishman:Darn,we under

*Sun-shroom eat a gray thing*

Buckethead:Wait,where is my shadow go?

*Grimrose dragging Buckethead*

