Object Shows Community

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Object Event is a BFDIA + II characters.


Rocky - Cheated (Sank) in the Tie-Breaker.

Episode 1 A new introduction:

There will be 5 teams in each 9 people.

Pin, Woody, Flower, Apple and Gelatin.

Mephone4: Pin, You're team called?

Pin: We're going to call it the Alliance Team right guys?

All on Pin's Team: YEAH!

Announcer: Woody or Ice Cube, What about yours?

Ice Cube: We dunno! It's up to you!

Announcer: Okay you'll be called The Breaking Cubes!

Ice Cube: Hey! You don't have to rub it in!

Mephone4: Flower, yours?

Flower: The--

Lightbulb: --Bright Lights!

  • Flower kicks Lightbulb*

Lightbulb: Woah! *Breaks Lightbulb*

Paintbrush: Lightbulb! You aren't team captain anyway?

Lightbulb: I can do whatever I want!

Paintbrush: Whatever.

Apple: Well Mine is the--

Taco: --SOUR CREAM!!

Apple: Monster!

Flower: *kicks Taco*

Taco: Perky!

Gelatin: Mine is a Jelly Slams.

Speaker: Okay then!

MePhone4: Well the first challenge is to do a quiz.

1ST QUESTION: What is 8x8 Hint it's double of 32.

38 Knowed the awnser.

Blocky: Yeah! So obvious!

2ND QUESTION: What is my favorite colour?

Hint: It's Begins with B L _ _.

21 Knowed the awnser.

Pin: So obvious! Everyone will knowed that! But yeah, Blocky is right.

3RD QUESTION: What's my real name?

Hint: It begins with an R.

2 Knowed the awnser.

Pen: Me and Pence-Pence did it!!

Pencil: OMG Yeah we did, Pen!


Speaker and MePhone4: Okay TV show the votes!

Alliance Team: 64

Breaking Cubes: 23

Sour Cream: 46

Bright Lights: 10

Jelly Slams: 32

Speaker: While Paintbrush gets the highest, She get's Win Token.


  • Flower Kicks Paintbrush*


SO Team Bright Lights are UFE.

End Cut:

Baseball: All right Rocky, Who won the 29th World Series?

Rocky: ...

(Baseball does

Episode 2: Sports Crazy

Paintbrush: Hey, Flower!

Flower: What?

Paintbrush: I want to say sorry for something.

Flower: What?

Paintbrush: Well, I saw your underwear earlier...

Flower: O_O *blushes*

Ice Cube: Wow, nice going, Paintbrush!

Paintbrush: I said sorry.

Ice Cube: Oh *kicks Paintbrush*

Paintbrush: Not again!

Marshmallow: *finds a Immunity Token* Ooh! An Immunity Token.

Paintbrush: So there is for  Cake At Stake Time Called--

Pen: C.A.S.T.

Paintbrush: Exactly Pen thank you!

Pencil: It spells like credits: Cast.

Announcer: It's time for.

MePhone4: Cake At Stake Time.

Some people got least votes.


Cake at Stake Time (1st song)

Paintbrush: ...

Mephone4: But fans Perfer Rocky and Knife more...

Paintbrush: WHAT?

Mephone4: Don't worry but Tennis Ball called you nice.

Tennis Ball: Yeah! But, Nice.

Paintbrush: Thank you TB!!

Tennis Ball: But sadly sorry Paintbrush for calling you a boy...

Paintbrush: Aww... Dang it!!

Emerald: Well Rocky is the close one to get it or Knife but whoever got 12 votes which is~ is~ *Breath Holding* is~-

Ice Cube: Just get on with it!

Emerald: Alright... Alright.. The person with 36 votes! is.... Knife! Rocky got 10.

TB: Hey! That's not fair! Rocky had the closest votes.

Announcer: Yes, but Knife has more votes, so that is really close.

Mephone4: OK. Spin the wheel, Knife

Powers from Other Players <


Revenge Token

Mind Reading Glasses

Knife: *gets 3 badges with pictures of Miguel Cabera, Peyton Manning and Tiger Woods* Um, What are these?

MePhone4: Those are the power badges from these three players. By them, contributed to us. They will help you for the challenge.

Knife: *puts on badges*

Speaker: Now onto the dislikes we got most dislikes.

Everyone got no dislikes expect Knife, Baseball, Lightbulb, Rocky and Flower.

Knife and Rocky use your tokens?

Knife and Rocky: No!

Emerald: Then show the votes.

Announcer: Knife, Baseball, Lightbulb and Rocky got one vote. And Flower got-

Marshmallow: Wait! I use my Immunity Token on Flower! She dosen't deserve to go!

  • everyone gasps*

MePhone4: Wow, didn't see that coming. Anyways, we need a Tiebraker. The Tiebraker is to swim. The person who drowns in E-Lim-In-Ated. Start!

(15 seconds later.)

Knife: *goes up* Idiot! Rocky sank at the start of the challenge.

Rocky: Wha?

  • everyone gasps*

MePhone4: Rocky talked! Anyway, Rocky is eliminated.

Rocky: *flung by explosion and been sent to Moon* Ahhhhh!!!!!

Speaker: Well anyways the challenge is called "Sports Crazy".

MePhone4: Your challenge is to hit 7 home runs, score 4 touchdowns and make a hole in one. Are you all ready?





Yellow Face: Wait, I don't have arms!

Puffball: Me neither, but you just have to try!

Yellow Face: No! It's tough to do it without arms!

Puffball: OK, but I won't mind if your team loses. And if you are on my team, I won't forgive you! *hits home run* (1) Yay!

Pen: *hits home run* (1) Easy!

Blocky: *hits home run* (1)

Firey: *hits home run* (1)

Bow: *hits home run* (1) *runs* pant pant... *falls* DARN IT! End Cut:

Yellow Face: *throws random stuff everywhere* I don't have Arms!

Apple: Just shut up already!
