Object Shows Community
OCS 6 Thumbnail-0

Family Reunion is the sixth episode of OC Shorts.

Transcript []

(Genesis Controller is sleeping in his bed while his older brother, Master System Controller walks into his room holding a camcorder in one hand and a pile of whipped cream in his other hand)

Master System Controller: Hey Genesis Controller, wake up!

Genesis Controller: (Opens his eyes)

Master System Controller: (Slaps Genesis Controller across the face) Smack cam! 

Genesis Controller: AHH! Is this whipped cream?

Master System Controller: Hehe... this is totally going on YouTube! (Runs off)


(Genesis Controller chases Master System Controller through the hall and tries to grab the camera off him, he then trips Genesis  Controller up)

Genesis Controller: OW! My knee!

Master System Controller: Ha ha! 

Genesis Controller: HEY! 

(Master System Controller and Genesis Controller are heard fighting in the background)

Saturn Controller: (Walks out of his room) Just a normal day in the Sega household.

Baby Dreamcast Controller: (Cries)

Sega Genesis: (Rushes to Baby Dreamcast Controller) Don't worry sweetie, I'm coming! (Gets the bottle and starts feeding her) There, there. (Looks at the calendar) OH CRAP!

Saturn Controller: What is it, dad?

Sega Genesis: Today's the day! 

Saturn Controller: What?

Sega Genesis: The day of our family reunion! And we didn't even get ready! Quick, get dressed and brush your teeth!

Saturn Controller: But we don't even wear clothes! 

Sega Genesis: Dosen't matter! Where's your brothers? 

(Master System Controller and Genesis Controller are seen still fighting in the hall)

Sega Genesis: OI! You lay off your younger brother! 

Master System Controller: But dad, we're just messing!

Sega Genesis: Never mind, carry on. 

(Master System Controller continues to constantly punch Genesis Controller)

(Later in the car)

Sega Genesis: Alright, is everybody here?

Sega CD: Yep.

Genesis Controller: Yes.

Saturn Controller: Yep.

Master System Controller: Yep. 

Sega Genesis: Alright, let's go! (Drives off)

(At the restaurant)

Sega Genesis: So kids, whatcha think?

Saturn Controller: Wow, everybody's here! Even the forgotten Sega consoles! Like the SG-1000 and the Nomad! 

Game Gear: Saturn Controller! I didn't see you in ages!

Saturn Controller: Uncle Game Gear! (Runs up)

(Later that day)

Master System Controller: That was a kick-butt family reunion!

Genesis Controller: I know right? It makes me want to speak in my second language, Cleverian! Yesume bekhulbed ekekcellent! 

Saturn Controller: Look, our picture's gonna be taken! Say cheese guys! 

(Camera flashes, then the scene cuts to a picture of Genesis Controller with his siblings, which is the same picture as the thumbnail) 
