Object Shows Community

"Oh that, that's right... NahuelFire39 adopted WhaTheGame!"Pencil, "Zeeky Boogy Doog" (altered)
WhaTheGame was adopted by NahuelFire39. Henceforth, all rights, continuity, and proper use settings go to NahuelFire39, who now determines what is allowed and what is not in this page. Though everyone can edit this article, NahuelFire39 has the final say on their page in accordance to the Object Shows Community rules.

WhaTheGame is a OC created by NahuelFire39.

WhaTheGame is the Archenemy of DalasReview, but friend of Skull Head and Lizy.


WhaTheGame loves video games and battles. He is crazy in some situations and is positive. Unlike Dalas, WhaTheGame is a little more serious and does not tell stupid jokes.


  • W.T.G
  • WhaTheFUCK (by Dalas)


  • WhaTheGame has from Amigos to Skull H and Lizy for being very good with him.
  • WhaTheGame says that Dalas is a copy of him because of his tone of voice and because of the style of the logo.

