Object Shows Community

"Oh that, that's right... Sophia193 adopted Shadow Torch!"Pencil, "Zeeky Boogy Doog" (altered)
Shadow Torch was adopted by Sophia193. Henceforth, all rights, continuity, and proper use settings go to Sophia193, who now determines what is allowed and what is not in this page. Though everyone can edit this article, Sophia193 has the final say on their page in accordance to the Object Shows Community rules.

Ruby 12

"Shadow Torch is too scary for me!!" — Ruby, Object Cinematic
This article contains scary imagery. It is best to turn away if you are sensitive to any image of the sort.

Reason: No reason provided.
This page was last edited on March 19, 2022 at 19:33:59.

Shadow Torch, labled The Nightmare is an OC by Sophia193.


Shadow Torch is a beast who appears in the dark or from the shadows. He will kill and sacrifice anyone who gets near.


Shadow Torch is a black flaming torch with no mouth and red eyes. He has a low, whispery voice.
