Object Shows Community

"Oh that, that's right... NahuelFire39 adopted Vase (NahuelFire39)!"Pencil, "Zeeky Boogy Doog" (altered)
Vase (NahuelFire39) was adopted by NahuelFire39. Henceforth, all rights, continuity, and proper use settings go to NahuelFire39, who now determines what is allowed and what is not in this page. Though everyone can edit this article, NahuelFire39 has the final say on their page in accordance to the Object Shows Community rules.

Vase is a OC created by NahuelFire39.


The vase blushes sometimes because someone tells him it is fat or large because of its size and shape, also his blush may be due to embarrassment and sometimes he get angry.

He is kind, confident and with a thick male voice, rarely attracts some girls who like the "fat" and the big mans.


  • Big Vase
  • Fat
  • The Large
  • THICC Man

