Object Shows Community
NB Balloon

"Oh great! You know WHAT, Sharpener? This is all YOUR fault. Sharpener, You SUCK!!!" - Balloon
This character is unpopular and they're hated by many fans, maybe even because they're unlikable or they are controversial.

Reason: None yet
This page was last edited on December 18, 2023 at 9:59:40.

Sharpener is a contestant in Object Mayhem. He was on Team Fishers and Tunes Untuned. He was eliminated in episode 9 and placed 13th.


  • He is a red-colored rectangular pencil sharpener.


  • He is the lowest ranking member of Tunes Untuned.
  • He actually ``debuted´´ in episode 2 of Object Mayhem,but he was mentioned in the first episode.
  • Sharpener is also a contestant in Nonexistent Living and Object Brawl.
  • He can be very average.


If he appeared in your fanfiction, add it here!

Hosts vs. Objects[]

He appears as one of the contestants that were infected by Marker.

Fanon names:[]

  • Shapea "Westeae" Jorshoot (GameboyNextGeneration)
  • Sawyer Sullivan (KittyFan2004)

