Object Shows Community
Weird and wonderful space Hurt and Heal is cancelled.

"I have unfortunate news. Weird and wonderful space Hurt and Heal is cancelled."Announcer, "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2"
Weird and wonderful space Hurt and Heal is cancelled. Be aware that future updates on this article are unlikely to be seen, and additional information should be accompanied by a source to confirm it.

Reason: there is a second season
This page was last edited on March 19, 2022 at 19:56:09.


"Oh that, that's right... NeptuneTehPlanet adopted Weird and wonderful space Hurt and Heal!"Pencil, "Zeeky Boogy Doog" (altered)
Weird and wonderful space Hurt and Heal was adopted by NeptuneTehPlanet. Henceforth, all rights, continuity, and proper use settings go to NeptuneTehPlanet, who now determines what is allowed and what is not in this page. Though everyone can edit this article, NeptuneTehPlanet has the final say on their page in accordance to the Object Shows Community rules.

This is the Weird and wonderful space Hurt and Heal!

Note : I'd appreciate it if you'd leave the editing of this page to me! Thank you!

Game Play[]

Every character has five lives . You have four options . Once a character hits zero lives then they're "dead". You can only hurt , heal , mega heal and mega hurt for every one character .

Heal : Sun
Hurt : Orcus
Mega Heal : Io
Mega Hurt Ganymede

Heal : +1 Health (Takes 6 hours to recharge for each person)

Hurt : -1 Health (Takes 6 hours to recharge for each person)

Mega Heal : +3 Health (Takes an entire day to recharge for each person)

Mega Hurt : -3 Health (Takes an entire day to recharge for each person)




Blue86400 - Mega Hurt Orcus - Orcus at 2 lives.

Blue86400 - Hurt Orcus - Orcus at 1 life .

Vemsa - Mega Hurt Europa - Europa at 2 lives

Parallelogram124 - Hurt Orcus - Orcus fell into a Black Hole. (26th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Io and Heal Planet Nine - Io at 4 lives and Planet Nine at 6.

Blue86400 - Mega Heal Earth - Earth at 8 lives.

Blue86400 - Hurt Planet Nine - Planet Nine at 5 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Heal Europa - Europa at 5 lives.

Blue86400 - Mega Heal Earth - Earth at 11 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Earth - Earth at 10 lives.

Blue86400 and The Gamer Of Roblox 2019 - Mega heal Earth - Earth at 16 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Io - Io at 1 life.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Io - Io at -2 lives (So basically dead) (25th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Earth - Earth at 15 lives.

Blue86400 - Mega Heal Earth - Earth at 18 lives.

Chikako the Meowstic - Mega Hurt Sedna - Sedna at 2 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Sedna and hurt Earth - Sedna at -1 lives (Dead) (24th) and Earth at 17 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Earth - Earth at 16 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Earth - Earth at 13 lives (Unlucky number)

Blue86400 - Mega Heal Earth (x2) - Earth at 19 lives.

Chikako the Meowstic - Mega Hurt Titan - Titan at 2 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Heal Neptune (x2) - Neptune at 7 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Titan (x2) - Titan at 0 lives (23rd)

DarkRookYT - Hurt Enceladus + Heal Makemake - Makemake at 6 lives and Enceladus at 4 lives.

Chikako the Meowstic - Hurt Ixion - Ixion at 4 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Jupiter (x2) + Mega Heal Neptune - Jupiter at -1 lives (22nd) and Neptune at 10 lives!

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Earth (x3) - Earth at 16 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt and Mega Hurt Earth - Earth at 12 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Earth (x3) - Earth at 9 lives like a cat!

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Earth (x3) - Earth at 6 lives . (Damnnn Earth is dyin!)

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Earth (x2) and Mega Hurt Earth and Mega Heal Neptune - Earth at 1 life and Neptune at 13 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Heal Neptune (x2) and hurt Earth - Neptune at 19 lives and Earth at 0 lives . (21st)

DarkRookYT - Hurt Europa - Europa at 4 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Europa - Europa at 3 lives.

DarkRootYT - Mega Hurt Europa - Europa at 0 iives (20th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Ixion - Ixion at 1 life.

DarkRootYT - Mega Hurt Enceladus - Enceladus at 1 life.

DarkRootYT - Hurt Enceladus - Enceladus at 0 lives (20th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Ixion - Ixion about -2 lives. (19th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Heal Neptune - Neptune at 16 lives.

I like Pizza 1 - Mega Heal Moon - Moon at 8 live.

Blue86400 + DarkRootYT - Mega Hurt Pumpkin Planet - Pumpkin Planet at 9 lives.

DarkRootYT - Hurt Pumpkin Planet (x4) - Pumpkin Planet at 5 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Heal Neptune - Neptune at 19 lives.

DarkRootYT - Hurt Pumpkin Planet (x4) - Pumpkin Planet at 1 life.

UpliftedObjection - Hurt Pumpkin Planet - Pumpkin Planet at 0 lives. (18th)

Chikako the Meowstic - Mega Heal Neptune - Neptune at 22 lives

DarkRookYT - Hurt Haumea - Haumea at 4 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Haumea - Haumea at 1 life.

DarkRookYT - Hurt Haumea - Haumea at 0 lives (17th)

DarkRookYT - Hurt Quaoar (x2) and Heal Neptune - Quaoar at 3 lives and Neptune at 23 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Quaoar (x3) - Quaoar at 0 lives. (16th)

DarkRookYT - Hurt Ceres (x2) - Ceres at 3 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Ceres - Ceres at 0 lives. (15th)

DarkRookYT - Mega Hurt Mercury - Mercury at 3 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Eris (x2) - Eris at 3 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Eris - Eris at 0 lives (14th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Pluto (x2) - Pluto at 3 lives.

DarkRookYT - Mega Hurt Sun (x2) - Sun at -1 lives (13th)

DarkRookYT - Hurt Saturn (x2) - Saturn at 3 lives

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Pluto - Pluto at 0 lives (12th)

DarkRookYT - Mega Hurt Saturn - Saturn at 0 lives (11th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega hurt Uranus - Uranus at 2 lives.

Vemsa - Mega Heal Uranus - Uranus at 5 lives

DarkRookYT - Mega Hurt Planet Nine + Mega Heal Moon (x2) + Mega heal Neptune - Planet Nine at 2 lives , Moon at 14 lives and Neptune at 26 lives

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Makemake (x2) + Mega Hurt Moon - Makemake at 0 lives (9th) and Moon at 11 lives.

DarkRookYT - Mega Hurt Planet Nine + Mega Heal Neptune - Planet Nine at -1 lives (8th) and Neptune at 29 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Venus (x2) - Venus at -1 lives (7th)

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Ganymede - Ganymede at 4 lives.

DarkRookYT - Hurt Uranus - Uranus at 4 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Callisto - Callisto at 2 lives

ButterBlaziken230 - Hurt Callisto (x2) - Callisto at 0 lives (6th)

DarkRookYT - Mega Hurt Moon (x4) + Mega Hurt Mars (x2) + Mega Heal Neptune (x7) - Moon at -1 lives (5th) , Mars at -1 lives (4th) , Neptune at 50 lives.

ButterBlaziken230 - Mega Hurt Ganymede (x2) + Mega Hurt Uranus (x2) - Ganymede and Uranus at -2 lives .

Neptune wins!
