Object Shows Community
Pot is bored

"Whatever! You guys are nothing but-"Pot, "Meatball Mess"
Object Show was created by Zojo. The creator was declared responsible for their antics that may disturb readers. Please take caution while reading.
Note: Please do not go out of your way to harass the individual mentioned in the template. Object Shows Community does not approve of such behavior, even if the individual itself is very unsavory. If we find out about you doing so, you might get blocked from the wiki.

Reason: The creator was accused of stalking someone offline, and potentially being an unsavory person. However, we do not know exactly for sure if this is true or not. [1]
This page was last edited on March 14, 2024 at 16:16:52.

This article is about the show with the name "Object Show". You may be looking for the generic term.

Object Show is a now cancelled object show by CupOfZojo that was replaced by Into The Canvas. The show consisted of 22 contestants, with a presumed prize of 1 million dollars. It only had one episode, and the supposed year the show took place was in 2887 AD.[citation needed]


Into The Canvas

Into the Canvas was the successor to Object Show, being the "second season" in the OS franchise. It currently has 2 episodes, with a third one being underway.


