Object Shows Community
Smash Ball (OASB)

"Cheese Orb, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"Smash Ball
Cheese Orb has been rejected from joining any Object All Star Brawlers game. Therefore, the creator will be not adding Cheese Orb to the roster, even if many people request them.

Reason: Unknown
This page was last edited on December 31, 2023 at 14:39:23.


"Cheese Orb, what are you anyway?"Apple, unknown episode of Inanimate Insanity
This character's gender hasn't been revealed by their creator(s). When editing, use singular they pronouns when referring to the character. If the gender has been revealed, please provide a source when adding it.

And Pie died

"And Cheese Orb is dead!" - Bottle (BFDI)
This character is permanently dead. If the character gets recovered in any way, please remove this notice.

I'm the Cheese Orb!

—Cheese Orb, Hurtful!
Cheese Orb BFSU

The Cheese Orb is one of the many desultory "announcers" found in Episode 23.


Announcer cut the Cheese Orb into quarters, because there was no cake for Cake at Stake and used the pieces as a cheesecake.

Further Appearances[]

A Cheese Orb Recovery Center appeared in BFDI 25 (Return of the Hang Glider), and was destroyed by Flower when she throws it into an incinerator. The Cheese Orb was seen as part of the Grand Cake.

In The 2023 BFDi x II “Event” The Announcer tells the II Nickel that he is a fraternal clone like his and the chese orb states that he is in fact the cheese orb. (The short was non cannon)


  • Along with Pie, the Cheese Orb is one of the only living things to be used as cake for Cake at Stake in the first season. In Battle for Dream Island Again, Donut was used as cake.
  • It is unknown what type of cheese the Cheese Orb is.
  • The Cheese Orb is the only non-contestant (excluding the Announcer) to have its own recovery center.

