Object Shows Community

This is the first episode of Object University's Childhood.


August 13th, 1991 (Short)

Braixen Head: Hello!

Fire Stick: Well, what are we gonna do?

3DS: We will take care of her.

Fire Stick: Are you serious?

3DS: Yes.

Braixen Head: Mommy?

3DS: ?

Braixen Head: I'm hungry.

Fire Stick: I'LL DO IT! *trips*

Braixen Head: Why do I talk strange?

3DS: I don't know.

Braixen Head: I don't know either, but it doesn't matter.

Fire Stick: Here's your Chicken Leg.

Braixen Head: Oh. *Eats Chicken Leg*

3DS: Okay, that was easy.

Fire Stick: So, whats gotcha ya in?

September 17th, 1999

Braixen Head: Hello guys and girls?

Mr. Reteme: Okay, here's our new student.

Gas Pump: BOO!
