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Firey has a Kingdom? Is the first episode of Battle for Firey's Kingdom.


Firey: Hello everyone!

Everyone: Hello.

Firey: So, I bet that you are wondering why I got all of you here.

Cake: Yeah, why are we here?

Pen: We are probably battling for Dream Island again.

Firey: This has nothing to do with Dream Island!

(Everyone gasps)

Gaty: But I wanted Dream Island!

Taco: Yeah, why did you do that?

Firey: Because I have something else!

Nickel: It's probably a roll of toilet paper or something.

Firey: (Glare at Nickel) You should be more thankful for what people give you.

Firey: Anyway, I have this Kingdom! (Suddenly it falls from the sky)

Ice Cube: Wow!

(Everyone starts yelling out ooh, aah)

Firey: SHUT UP!

Firey: Anyway... You guys will be battling for it.

Pen: Yes!

Taco: Well, I just know that I will win! I'm like, everyone's favorite, right?

Firey: Doesn't seem like it.

(Taco makes a sad face)

Coiny: Wait... If Firey's host, I'll never win!

Firey: But if you win, you win. I don't have control over those kinds of stuff! So, we have to pick team captains. 

Grassy: Are we going to do that challenge that is recycled in every show from BFDI 1?

Basketball: Probably.

Firey: No! Why would you think I would do that!?

Coiny: Because you're stupid.

Eggy: N-now Coiny, t-thats n-not very n-nice.

Coiny: Shut up!

Firey: So the challenge is that you stand on that cliff.

(Everyone walks up the hill to the cliff)

Tree: That was easy.

Firey: So now, you push off people! Last two standing are team captains! GO!

Pen: I know! I'll just stand here. Everyone wins when the are doing nothing.

Tree: Hey Pen!

Pen: What?

Tree: Hah! I just made you interact with me!

Pen: Oh no! I won't wi- (Tree pushes him off)

Flower: GET OUT OF MY WAY, I NEED MY SPACE! (Pushes off Coiny, Donut, Dora, Grassy, and Pie)

Clock: What should I do, what should I do... I know! Build this thingy-midoodle that pushes off people for me! Perfect!

Eraser: Uhh... Pen? Do you think that Clock guy is weird?

Golf Ball: He got pushed off.

Eraser: What?

GB: Ehh... (Knocks Eraser off)

Firey: Oh! And also Evil Leafy was disqualified. She can teleport. So was Puffball, because she can fly.

Puffball: But I want to win.

Firey: Well too bad.

Taco: Hmm.... The only way I'll win is to push off Flower... Okay! Here it goes!

Flower: HUH? (Taco starts running towards Flower) EWW, I DON'T LIKE MEXICAN FOOD! (Kicks him off)

Barf Bag: (Walks over to Flower) Like, calm down.


Barf Bag: Calm do- (Flower pushes him off)

8-Ball: So, Fanny, we're going to lose.

Fanny: But why?

8-Ball: Because we have no limbs.

Fanny: Good point...

Eggy: (Looks at Balloony) B-Balloony, y-you won't p-push off m-me right?

Balloony: No, because your my friend! (Looks at Gaty) So are you, Gaty!

Gaty: Thanks!

Balloony: However, those two(Points at 8-Ball and Fanny) Are not my friends, they must go now! (She runs over to the and pushes them off)

Fries: This is boring.

Basketball: Yeah. Who should we push off?

Fries: How about Eggy? She's like Woody. And nobody likes Woody.

Basketball: Good idea! (Runs and kicks off Eggy)

Eggy: Aahhhhh!!!

Balloony: That was mean!

Fries: So?

Balloony: You must pay! (Pushes off Fries and Basketball)

Ruby: So Book, do you want any Yoyleberries?

Book: No! Why would you think I would like those? They turn you into metal, and metal is all heavy and whatnot.

Ruby: Well, your missing out! (She eats some, and turns into metal)

Book: Know what Ruby? I don't need you when your metal.(She throws Ruby, causing her to knock over GB, Gaty, and herself)

Ruby: (looks at Book falling down the cliff) Well, bye Book!

Cake: Balloony, are you my friend?

Balloony: Of course Cake! (Ruby then pushes off Cake) Cake!

Ruby: Hah hah!

Balloony: (glare) GRRR!!! (Pushes of Ruby) Ha! Now you know how it feels.

Nickel: Calm down Balloony.

Balloony: Thanks... Hey Needy (slap) go push off Saw for me!

Needle: Don't call me Needy, but okay.

(Needle runs over and pushes off Saw. She also falls over into the canyon)

Balloony: I need to push over some people myself. (Pushes off Flower and Nickel)



Clock: My Thingy-Midoodle is finished! This is my best work ye- (Balloony pushes him off)

Balloony: Hey Icy! Who do you want to push off?

Ice Cube: Tree.

Balloony: Okay. (She tries to push off Tree, but she pushes off Icy instead)

Balloony: OH I'M SO SORRY ICY!

Icy: I want Revenge!


Tree: I feel weird today. Who should I push off? Balloony, or Bomby? (Pushes off Bomby)

Firey: Well, that's it! You two are team captains!

Balloony and Tree: Yes!

Firey: So pick teams.

(Balloony walks on a blue mat, while Tree walks on a orange mat)

Balloony: Hmmm... Come over here Gaty!

Gaty: Yay! (Walks over to the blue mat)

Tree: I pick Basketball.

Basketball: Yes! (Runs over to Tree)

Gary: How about Eggy?

Balloony: Good idea! Come over her Eggy!

Eggy: T-thanks. (Walks over to Balloony)

Basketball: Eraser, get over here.

Eraser: Okay. (Runs over to Basketball)

Balloony: Who should I choose?

Gaty: How about Needle?

Balloony: Good choice! (Needle walks over)

Eraser: Pen, get over here! You're my friend!

Pen: Yeah! (Runs over)

Balloony: Cake, your my friend! Come over!

Cake: (yells) OKAY!

Tree: (Talking to Basketball) I think we should have Clock on our team.

Basketball: Uhh, why?

Tree: Because, he's good at engineering!

Clock: Thanks for the compliment. (Walks over to the orange mat)

Balloony: Hey, Icy, want to join?

Ice Cube: NO!

Balloony: Well, fine then! I pick Saw.

Saw: But you told Needy (Needle slaps him) to push me off earlier! (Walks over)

Balloony: Whatever.

Tree: Hey! Icy! If you don't want to join Balloony's team, join ours!

Icy: Okay! (Walks to Orange Mat)

Book: Well, if Icy's joining that team, I should join too!

Balloony: Uh oh! They're getting more members! We're gonna have to get two this time!

Saw: I choose Taco.

Taco: YEAH!

Balloony: I didn't want him on this team! I pick Barf Bag!

Barf Bag: Woah, Balloony, calm down.

Tree: I think we should have Puffball on our team. Because she can fly.

(Puffball flies over)

Balloony: Hmmm... Grassy?

Grassy: Okay. (Walks over)

Tree: I pick 8-Ball.

8-Ball: I don't have a favorite number but okay. (Rolls over to the Orange mat)

Balloony: Out of everyone left, I pick Pie.

8-Ball: I want Fanny on our team because we both have no limbs.


Balloony: I choose Nickel.

Ruby: Book didn't want to eat my yoyleberries so I'll go on the other team!

Tree: Okay, 8, people left. None of them are good except Coiny.

Coiny: Thanks Tree!

Tree: And we need someone else, hmm, I pick Fries.


Balloony, maybe Bomby? (Bomby walks over)

Tree: Hmm, Golf Ball is the least worst out of everyone left.

Golf Ball: You should've picked me first! I'm a good leader! (Walks over)

Tree: Yeah, right, bossy bot.

Balloony: So, I pick two from the four left. But. They're all bad! Donut's mean, Dora is a human, Evil Leafy is creepy and Flower is mean too!

Firey: But who would you pick out of the four?

Balloony: (sigh) I guess Donut and Dora.

Tree: So that means that Evil Leafy and Flower are on our team!


Firey: So, teams are picked. Now we need to name the teams!

(Show scenes of both teams arguing over what name their team should have)

Firey: Fine, now that I know you can't decide a team name, I'll name them! Balloony's team is the Green Leaves and Tree's team is the Red Peppers!

Tree: Oh, I see. Naming our team after a vegetable, how lame.

Firey: Whatever. So, I think you two teams are ready to go.

(Firey stands there)

Taco: Um, Firey? Shouldn't we start the first contest?

Barf Bag: Yeah, I agree, let's start!

(Firey stands there longer)

Fries: FIREY!

Firey: Oh what? Oh yeah. The first challenge won't be in this episode!

(Everyone gasps)

Firey: So yeah. Viewers! Wait until Wednesday, December 20th, and then Episode Two will come out! So yeah, wait. Goodbye!
