Object Shows Community

Hi! I have decided to remake BFDI just for fun!!

Episode 1 : Announcer : Im your host the speaker announcer and this is BFDI Remake!

Eraser : Wich is?

Announcer : Just like the original BFDI but its a remake

Eraser : Fine then!

Announcer : The teams are the same as the original show (no team another name)

Announcer : Let's get to the challenge

Announcer : A bacon eating contest!

Announcer : Here are the rounds : Pencil vs Ice Cube, Eraser vs Needle, Teardrop vs Pin, Spongy vs Flower, TB vs Blocky, Rocky vs Pen, Bubble vs Snowball, Firey vs Golf Ball, Coiny vs Match and Leafy vs Woody

Announcer : Go!

Pencil : Omg Match! Bacon! *eat 2 stripes of Bacon*

Ice Cube : *eat 6 stripes of bacon* Revenge!

Eraser : Bacon! I don't wanna eat pig!

Needle : Yeah eww!

Needle : Let me try it! *eat 1 stripe* Mmh!

Eraser : Eww gross!

Pin : *Eat stripes 1 by 1*

Teardrop : ... *eat 14 stripes of bacon*

Flower : Eww, I agree with Eraser bacon is disgusting! Even more then Spongy!

Spongy : Atleast im not a plant! *eat 5 stripes of bacon*

Tennis Ball : *smell* Uh smell piggy *eat 3 stripes*

Blocky : *Gulp* My bacon has only grease on it! *eat 2 stripes*

Pen : Battling against a rock! Easy!

Rocky : *eat a stripe* *barf on Pen*

Pen : aaah!

Bubble : Ok bubble! Just imagine this is yoylecake! *eat 11 stripes*

Snowball : Bacon is for wimps! But let's eat it anyway! *eat 3 stripes*

Firey : Bacon! My favourite food! *eat 12 stripes*

Golf Ball : Ok im out! Im the team leader anyway!

Coiny : Ok I will not shine anymore but *eat 7 stripes of bacon*

Match : Omg Pence-Pence what do I do!

Woody : *Look at the bacon* AAAAH!

Leafy : Oh no poor woody has a bacon phobia! I don't want to eat any stripes! I will feel sad for him!

Blocky : No you will! *put 9 stripes in leafy mouth*

Leafy : *Eat it* That was mean!

Announcer : With 7 people losing in the squishy cherries they lost!

Announcer : Vote in the poll below viewers!
