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"For free!?" — Eraser and Pen, "Sweet Tooth"
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BFDI Party is Mario Party but with BFDI characters.




Game Maps[]

  • Steam Train
  • Yoyleland
  • Evil Forest
  • Golf Ball's Underground Factory
  • Earth


  • Take The Plunge (Stay on the bar the longest and try to push others off)
  • Barriers and Pitfalls (Get to the end of the obstacle coarse first)
  • Sweet Tooth (Press A to bake your cake, fastest cake baked wins)
  • Puzzling Mysteries (Complete a puzzle of a randomly selected character)
  • Crybaby! (Press A to cry, fastest to fill their tank wins)
  • Lofty (Throw nails at other players to pop their balloons while dodging the nails they throw to keep your own)
  • A Leg Up in the Race (Climb up a ladder while dodging water balloons)
  • Don't Lose Your Marbles (Find a red ball and bring it to Announcer)
  • Half a Loaf Is Better Than None (Fill up your basket with bread, most bread after the challenge wins)
  • Vomitaco (Float on a barf bag and stay there the longest)
  • Rescission (Complete a Unicycle race)
  • Gardening Hero (Eliminate the others by shooting them with lasers)
  • Don't Pierce My Flesh (Escape a volcano)
  • Insectophobe's Nightmare 3 (Kill all the bugs in your tank)
  • High Climb Up (Get to the top of Yoyle Mountain)

Shop Items[]

Speed Token (Double your roll) (costs 5 coins)

Super Speed Token (Triple your roll) (Costs 10 coins)

Big Token (Be big, when you go past other players you will steal 5-10 coins from them) (costs 7 coins)

Immunity Token (Automatically used when stepped on by a Big person) (costs 5 coins)


[There are currently none available right now]


"I lost all of my friends after playing this, 10/10" -ItsBlueEnglan

"So, Uhm... This was mid.... 10/10" - Epic Purple
