Object Shows Community

Awesome Objects is an object show with 24 contestants. It is contestant vote, but recommended characters can join.


Arrow: Arrow is a male contestant and is paranoid of what could happen to everyone. His best friend is Bow, and he is called a mama's boy.

Apple: Apple is female and is very kind. She's friends with Orange and Blueberry. She is the third nicest, right behind Seashell and Soda.

Ace: Ace has magic. And he is in the Boys Club. He also can read minds, but only for about an hour at a time.

Bow: Bow is probably the bravest contestant on this show, and he can even beat Machete.

Blueberry: Blueberry is is the Boys Club, hates Orange, and has a crush on Apple.

Button: Button is the most random object on the show. She may be friends with Apple.

Crystal: Crystal is a genius, and she makes inventions, mostly for her friends. She hates Tiara. She may work with Candle on inventions.

Cross: Cross is male, and he prays a lot. He usually fails at tons of things. His only friend is Soda.

Candle: Candle is a male competitor and is considered one of the smartest. He is in the Boys Club

Football: Football is a jock, even though he's pretty clumsy. He dies more than anybody. He is also the leader of the Boys Club.

Broadsword: Broadsword is the jerk of the show. He bullies everyone, but he extremely likes to bully Snowflake.

Headband: Headband is a girl, and she loves to run. She may have a crush on Football.

Lollipop: Lollipop is the leader of the Candy Crew and is pretty smart. Lollipop is the tallest contestant, and she is very useful.

Mint: Mint is a male contestant and the only contestant to be in two alliances: the Candy Crew and the Boys Club.

Monitor: Monitor is the host, and is male. He likes to see Tack suffer.

Orange: Orange hates Blueberry, and is friends with Apple. He has 2 sisters and a father, which are all citrus.

Petal: Petal is the silent type. She is partly Japanese, has an older sister, and trained in martial arts.

Sugar: Sugar is the best friend of Spice, and she kinda likes Arrow. She is like Salt.

Spice: Spice is the best friend of Sugar, and she means well, even though it her ideas turn out bad.

Seashell: Seashell is the nice girl, and she is friends with everyone but Tiara, Cross, and Machete.

Snowflake: Snowflake is the weakest on the show, and is often hurt by Machete.

Soda: Soda is a male competitor and is often called the coolest beverage. Nearly everyone is his friend.

Tack: Tack is male, and is pretty cool. He is to the point when it comes to orders.

Taffy: Taffy is a part of the Candy Crew, and she is really weak.

Tiara: Tiara is a female competitor and wants everything to go her way. She needs herself to be the center of attention or she'll scream.

Elimination Chart[]


Episode One[]

We see a lake Seashell and Snowflake are sitting next to it.

Seashell: the view is so pretty, huh Snowflake?

Snowflake: Yeah!

We see Broadsword run up to Snowflake, and kick her.

Seashell: OMB! (Oh My Beach!) You just killed Snowflake!

Broadsword: Its her fault for being weak.

Cut to Taffy, Mint, and Lollipop. They are selling lemonade.

Tack: Lemonade? Sure, I'll have some.

He buys a cup. He drinks it, then spits it out.

Tack: COUGH! Too... Sugary...

Taffy: We used lemon candies!

Lollipop: On second thought, we should've used regular lemons.

Taffy: Yeah.

Cut to Orange and Blueberry standing on a cliff..



Blueberry throws Orange off the cliff.

Orange: HELP ME!

Apple catches Orange.

Apple: Blueberry! Calm down!

Blueberry jumps down.

Blueberry: Orange wanted to fall!

Cut to Sugar and Spice talking.

Sugar: OMG, like Tiara is so bossy!

Spice: Like, yeah.

Tiara walks up to them.

Tiara: Are you talking about me?

Spice: No. We were talking about Broadsword.

Tiara walks away.

Cut to Cross, Ace, and Football skydiving.


Ace: MAN UP!

Cut to Button walking to Apple.

Button: Hi Apple!

Apple: Hello Button!

Button: Did you know that Ace is a magician?

Apple: Um... yes.

Button: He got me a flower!

Apple: How sweet!

Suddenly, Ace and Football land on the ground, while Cross falls.

Button: Hi Ace!

Ace grabs Cross and drags him while Football leads them to somewhere,

We see Headband running to Football.

Headband: Hi Football!

Football: Hey Headband. We're just bringing Cross to the mountain so he can stay a night in the wild.

Headband: Cool. But harsh.

Ace: Nah, he needs the bravery.

Cut to Candle and Crystal making the Recovery Center.

Candle: Hopefully Broadsword doesn't cut the wires.

Crystal: Hopefully he won't now, but he will someday.




  • Soda's flavor depends on his emotion.