オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

Chaos Combat[]

Created by diamondthat.

Only an intro and an unfinished episode 1 exists. The official poses for this show are available in this Google Drive file.
Chaos Combat was previously named Object Showdown.
Adobe Animate was previously known as AN 2020.
iPod was previously known as MePod 6.

Game of the Items (GOTI)[]

Created by Pokemations.
This show may be cancelled or upcoming. Its exact status is unknown.

Only the intro exists.

This show may possibly be a reboot of GOTI. Only the intro exists.

Points Frenzy[]

Created by - shapester -
Only the intro and the promo exist. For now.

Object Power[]

Created by Minh (fifsqueak/cerufiffy/ceruglyphy/Minh6969, Fandom account/Old Fandom account).
Only 3 intros and 1.5 episodes exist:
1st Intro
2nd Intro
3rd Intro
Episode 1
Episode 1.5

Renders can be obtained from the video Intro's in 2017 (Deleted Gamer Sal 77 Video) on YouTube at 1:02:56.

Battle For Drink Island (BFDI)[]

Musically Anonymous Subjects (MAS; CANCELLED)[]


"規制しなかったら赤は全員、それ以外は対応する派閥の反感に繋がるからね。" — Airy, "セクション0", ループキャスト
This article or section contains content that may not be suitable for children, sensitive individuals, or a workplace enviroment. Proceed with discretion.
If you are not comfortable with reading this article, turn back now.

理由:Boombox's lostwave song of origin was discovered to come from an adult film.

Can you draw?

"キャラクターの一覧/p87, can you draw?"Tree, "Today's Very Special Episode"
The page has enough words to provide what the topic is about, but not enough high quality images or images in general to actually show what the page is about. Please help the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by adding the needed pictures to the galleries listed in the page. Once complete, remove this template.

理由:Several renders are missing.

Created by Lautyrr.

Battle for :fire: (BF:F:)[]

Created by Kirb08. (User:Kirb08M on Fandom)
Jar Filled With Chocolate Milk & Pickels' full name is Steamed Jar Filled With Chocolate Milk & There Is Pickels Inside Of It.

The Object Show Made In 48 Hours (TOSMI48H)[]

Battle to Rule Mars (BTRM)[]

Created by Turtle Leaf.
Sour Berry was previously known as Turtwig Berry.
Only two intros exist.

The Truly Non-Thursdaily Object Show (TTNTOS)[]


"規制しなかったら赤は全員、それ以外は対応する派閥の反感に繋がるからね。" — Airy, "セクション0", ループキャスト
This article or section contains content that may not be suitable for children, sensitive individuals, or a workplace enviroment. Proceed with discretion.
If you are not comfortable with reading this article, turn back now.

理由:Three characters have swear words in their names.

Created by Kirb08.
This is a parody of when somebody ripped-off The Thursdaily Object Show.
