オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
Firey Speaker Box

"The. キャラクターの一覧/p84. Needs. To be. Fixed. Help me. Get it. Fixed!"Firey Speaker Box, "Hurtful!"
This page is currently undergoing heavy development and its information may not be complete. You can help by editing it so that it can achieve a higher standard.

詳細:See below.

Two has ran out of ideas

「Sorry, I can't speak Japanese.」(ごめん、ボク日本語話せないんだよ。)オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
この項目「キャラクターの一覧/p84」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。「キャラクターの一覧/p84」のトークページコメント欄履歴翻訳のガイドラインも参照してください。要約欄への翻訳情報の記入をお忘れなく。

Can you draw?

"キャラクターの一覧/p84, can you draw?"Tree, "Today's Very Special Episode"
The page has enough words to provide what the topic is about, but not enough high quality images or images in general to actually show what the page is about. Please help the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by adding the needed pictures to the galleries listed in the page. Once complete, remove this template.

理由:Most of the renders are missing.


Object Randomizer[]

Object Randomizer is an upcoming randomizer on PenguinMod.

Another Average Object Show (AAOS)[]

Fight For Big Mansion (FFBM)[]

MrEpic is a conjectural name.

"Stranger danger!"Lightbulb, "Breaking the Ice"
The subject of this article or section has never been given an official name stated either via in the canon of any object show, or by their creator(s); the current one is unofficial. If the official name has been revealed, please provide a source and rename it to its official name.

理由:Names haven't ever been mentioned.

Twisted Island (CANCELLED)[]

Squares Mini[]

A Friendly Competition (AFC)[]

AFC has two seasons and a spinoff .
Season 1
Season 2
Episode 1 of IOU

Half-Hourly Object Show (HHOS)[]

Lunchbox Kids[]

Object Antidisestablishmentarianism (CANCELLED)[]

Created by Creepsington.

Optical Entities (CANCELLED)[]

The hosts have conjectural names.

"Stranger danger!"Lightbulb, "Breaking the Ice"
The subject of this article or section has never been given an official name stated either via in the canon of any object show, or by their creator(s); the current one is unofficial. If the official name has been revealed, please provide a source and rename it to its official name.

理由:Their names have never been given.
詳細:They have been italicized.

Optical Entitiesは失われたメディアと見なされています。

Optical Entities、またはそれに関する情報の多くは、存在しない、紛失している、または非公開だと考えられています。したがって、失われたメディアと見なされています。情報を見つけた場合は、それが本物であることを確認し、できるだけ早く記録してください。

詳細:Every video made by the creator about this show have been taken down.

Only one intro reuploaded by The Object Show Archive can be found here.


  1. Full Name: Really Funny Character That Everyone Will Laugh and Smile At (It Will Make Their Day)
  2. Full Name: The Piece of Paper I Crunched Up in Class and Dropped Onto the Floor
