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Badly Executed and Nonsensical Objects (BEANO)[]
Mysterious Conundrums (CANCELLED)[]
- Created by SherriMix.
- Only the intro exists.
- AC Remote, Crystal, Hoverboard and Crayon originate from Aesthetic Synthwaves.
- Power-Bank, Spray and Tile were later reused as rejects from Island Breakdown (later known as Legends of the Island).
Fabulous Lovely Object Pshow (FLOP; CANCELLED)[]
- Various contestants would be reused as possible debuters for another show by PiggyPug, Watermelon's Awesome Show. The debuters are marked with a '*'.
- A few of these characters come from other shows, but were recommended by the creators of those shows.
Object Knuckle[]
- Created by BucketOfBerries, archived episodes can be found below:
Unfinished Object Knucklehead 4
Island of Hostilities (IOH)[]
Billion British Pound Battle (BBPB)[]
Battle For Mattress, Including Thirty Smackeroonies (BFMITS)[]
- Created by Creepsington.
Color Balls[]
Battle For Water Park Island (BFWPI)[]
Total Object[]
- Original iteration originally created by Jaren207.
- Current iteration originally created by FizzyIzzyBiduMudkip.