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Console Clash[]
- Created by AstralCapri.
- Only the intro is available here.
Magnavox Odyssey (host)
Substance Strike (CANCELLED)[]
Object Takeover (CANCELLED)[]
Melee of the Objects (MOTO; CANCELLED)[]
- Created by Zoey Wiser (Zojo).
- Only one intro has been archived here.
- Popsicle was later reused as a contestant in Into The Canvas.
Epic Extravaganza (CANCELLED)[]
- Created by WinterWave.
- Due to the creator privating most of his old OSC-related (except for some of his [MAKIE] intros, Nature Combat and last two iterations of this show), the first two iterations are considered as lost media.
- Candy Pop was formerly known as Push Pop.
- Only a reupload of the intro by the uploader, Cupid, is available here.
- Only the intro exists.
- Only one intro exists.
Tournament for Safety (TFS)[]
- Tournament for Safety is upcoming.
The S##t Show (TSS)[]
- Created by AlexSacco38.
- Discord Screenshot of William Saying Pants, I'm Stealing All of Your Honey, and Smiley would become official contestants in season 2.
- Characters marked with a '*' indicate they were elligible for the season 2 debut.
The Hilarious Entertainment (THE)[]
- Object camp created by ManglBit.
Object Cosmos[]
- Non-competition show created by Circle dude236.
Battle In The Wiiverse (BITW; CANCELLED)[]
- Only the intro is available here.