オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

Object Alphabet[]

The original Object Alphabet seems to be lost and the second and third seasons of the reboot are upcoming. The entirety of the first season of the reboot can be found here.

Brawl Manor[]

An Annoying Article Action (AAAA)[]

Flashmade (CANCELLED)[]

Non-competition object show by Carter R. Janik (StudioCRJ).

There's no confirmation whether or not these characters where ever planned to appear on the show.

Unusual Objects in a Camp Called Great (UOIACG)[]

UOIACG is a Russian object show by Анимации Жени. Its original name is "Необычные Объекты в Лагере "Отличное"".

Struggle For Limitless Power (SFLP)[]

The Battle Of Choho Pie (TBOCP)[]

Race to the Mansion of Tomorrow (RTTMOT)[]

Amazing Reality[]

Battle Show Cool Yeah (BSCY)[]
