オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
Firey Speaker Box

"The. キャラクターの一覧/p56. Needs. To be. Fixed. Help me. Get it. Fixed!"Firey Speaker Box, "Hurtful!"
This page is currently undergoing heavy development and its information may not be complete. You can help by editing it so that it can achieve a higher standard.

詳細:Object CrossRoad and Battle for the Island of Objects: Alternative are missing some poses.

Two has ran out of ideas

「Sorry, I can't speak Japanese.」(ごめん、ボク日本語話せないんだよ。)オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
この項目「キャラクターの一覧/p56」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。「キャラクターの一覧/p56」のトークページコメント欄履歴翻訳のガイドラインも参照してください。要約欄への翻訳情報の記入をお忘れなく。


Untitled Joke Show (UJS)[]

Created by SlimerGamer953.
Piece Of Gum's full name is That Piece Of Gum You Found Under The Seat On The Subway A Few Days Ago.

Island Of The Funniest Object Ever Create (IOTFOEC)[]


"Did you just say that?!" — Blocky, "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Battle for Dream Island
This article may contain some parts that are known to be controversial to some readers. Strong beliefs may be displayed publicly, so please take caution while reading or editing. If these things can easily offend you, or if you are sensitive to things of that nature, we highly recommend you leave this page.

理由:Kungit was based on a former friend of Creepsington's who had performed various unsavory acts.
詳細:Due to their behavior, Kungit was disqualified and eventually completely written out of the show.

Created by Creepsington (User:Creepsington on Fandom).

Only recurring or important characters will be shown here.

Object Mega (CANCELLED)[]

Object CrossRoad (OCR)[]

Can you draw?

"キャラクターの一覧/p56, can you draw?"Tree, "Today's Very Special Episode"
The page has enough words to provide what the topic is about, but not enough high quality images or images in general to actually show what the page is about. Please help the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by adding the needed pictures to the galleries listed in the page. Once complete, remove this template.

理由:Some characters have no renders. Official assets are in the article itself.

JJPM Summer Camp Poster Pose

"Pffft, dude. What's the point of doing that if I had allowed everyone to manage my summer camp from now on? That's right. Go ahead, and be like that Stickler-retiring moment!"Summer Camp Poster, made-up line, Jariel José Pérez Monroig's OC
This show can be owned by anyone if interested. This means you can make your own version of it! It doesn't matter if it becomes official or just a fanwork, you can do anything you want about it! As long as you make your version related to the original, go wild.


"Did you just say that?!" — Blocky, "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Battle for Dream Island
This section may contain some parts that are known to be controversial to some readers. Strong beliefs may be displayed publicly, so please take caution while reading or editing. If these things can easily offend you, or if you are sensitive to things of that nature, we highly recommend you leave this page.

理由:This show has stolen characters from Battle for Dream Island and Brawl of the Objects.

Created by Laclale.

Exanimate Insanity[]

Exanimate Insanity is upcoming.

Battle For Champions Resort (BFCR)[]

Cartridge, Dodgeball and Rubix Cube were previously known as MES Card, Dodge Ball and Rubik's Cube respectively.

The Crappiest Object Show (TCOS)[]

Battle for the Island of Objects: Alternative (BFTIOOA)[]

Objectified (comic)[]

Battle For Anything Island (BFAI)[]
