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オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

"Missing information always give me the creeps."Book, "The Long-Lost Yoyle City" (altered)
This article has some missing information. You can help the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by adding the missing information.

理由:The spin-off of Starry and More, Meteor and More is missing.


Battle for Dream Planet (BFDP)[]

Created by Leo Friends.

Every Other Competition (EOC)[]

Created by ZDubbz, published on the channel Every Other Competition.

Object Archipelago[]

Created by Gamebuilder2000.

Starry and More (SAM)[]

Created by Idamensional.

20 Minutely Object Show (20MOS)[]

Created by 8biteli.

The Arcade Battle (TAB)[]

Upcoming show by ImNotThatOld.

Battle For Generations (BFG)[]

Created by SuperHapMan15.

Quest For Paradise Island (QFPI)[]

Created by Creepsington.

Battle for the Magnetic Stickman (BFTMS)[]

ROAR Golden Spongy Newest Pose

"Hey everyone, I know this news may upset all of you but, キャラクターの一覧/p41 will get.....rebooted again." - Golden Spongy
キャラクターの一覧/p41 is being rebooted. Which means this show is cancelled, and will be replaced by a different show which may or may not be the same as this one.

Created by Dylanatier. It was formerly named Battle For Noob Plush.

The Battle of Mystery (TBOM)[]

Created by ᛃNevadaTheXtateᛃ.
