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オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

The Thursdaily Object Show (TTOS)[]

Created by Kirb08 (Kirb08M on Fandom).

Crab Rave Boombox became a contestant in The Thursdaily Mini Object Show.

Mento's full name is Mento With Arms & Legs Male Cool With Glasses On.

The Friday The 13thly Object Show (TFT13OS)[]

Cartoon Component Clash (CCC)[]

CCC is upcoming.

Twin's BirthDaily Object Show (TBDOS)[]

The Acronym Of Tomorrow (TAOT)[]


Zenithverse-X is the series where most object shows by AceTheAdjective (DeltaDataX on Fandom) take place in.
The same characters, excluding the characters replaced in Displacement Capital, are planned to be in Ace's show "War on Capital Hill".
It was previously known as the "Novaverse", later the "Zeoverse-X".

Gabriel was deemed as a replacement contestant for Kennedy in the 2021 TST reboot.
Index Card, Plastic Bag, Soda Can, Sunglasses Case, Wires, and Yogurt Tube were previously known as Card, Plastic, CannerBan, SC, Wire, and GoPro respectively.

Spencer was replaced with Nico (Neon Limeade) due to the creator not being fond of joke characters.
Speech Bubble was previously known as Text, later Text Bubble.
Headphones Symbol was previously known as Headphone.
Microphone Symbol was previously known as Micro Symbol.

App Store was previously known as App.
Canned Beans was previously known as Can Of Beans.
Canned Tuna was previously known as Tuna, later Tuna Can.
Mirror was previously known as Mirror Frame Kit.
Poison was previously known as Toxic Poison Liquid, later Toxic, then Tox.
Peppermint was previously known as Candy.

Eleanor (Exhibit) and Patricia (Party Popper) were later added to make the cast split more even.
208-In-1 Cartridge was previously known as 2DS Game Cartridge, later 2DS Cartridge.
3DS Cartridge was previously known as 3DS Game Cartridge.
Andesine was previously known as Fire Gem.
Green Star Coin was previously known as Poison Token, later Event Token, then Green Coin.
Kyanite was previously known as Water Gem.
NES Cartridge was previously known as 1985 Cartridge before having his name switched back.
SNES Cartridge was previously known as 1993 Cartridge before having her name switched back.
Silver Coin was previously known as Tech Token.
Sketchbook was previously known as Notebook before turning her into a separate character.
Sour Candy was previously known as Candy Cube.
Watermelon Juice was previously known as Liquid.
Tropical Punch was previously known as Mystery Juice, later Tropic Punch.

Taffy and Russian Flag were replaced with Tank Coolant and Tammy (Transgender Flag) due to them not fitting in with the cast.
Freezer was previously known as Tank Coolant.
Phone was previously known as iPhone.
Tablet was previously known as iPad.
YouTube was previously known as YouTube Play Button, later YouTube Logo.

Louis (Lexmark) and another character were planned to be on the show before being replaced with Daphne and Laura.
Louis was originally planned to be a co-host, but was later switched over to being a co-host in Charismatic Elements due to the creator believing that the character would "alter timelines". Patricia was added as a co-host later.
Alarm Clock was previously known as Timer.
Apple Juice was previously known as Apple Jar.
Lapis was previously known as Lapis Lazuli.
Peach Juice was previously known as Sunset Jar.
Pineapple Juice was previously known as Pineapple Jar.
Silver Ingot was previously known as Silver.
Spray Paint was previously known as Spray Can.

Ace Of Hearts was previously known as Solitaire Card.
Game Card Case was previously known as Game Case.
Handheld was previously known as Handheld Gaming Device.
Lexmark was previously known as Logo, later Lexmark Logo.

The scrapped contestants were previously known as Party Invitation, Loaded Dice, Dioptase, Fabric Screen and Rectangle.
The five scrapped contestants were scrapped due to three of them being originally ripoffs of characters from Village of Objects, and two of them being originally recommended by a problematic person by the name of Font.

Acid Bucket was previously known as Chemical Bucket.
Purple Paint Bucket was previously known as Rainbow Paint Bucket.
Canvas was previously known as Canvas Art.
Gushers Box was previously known as Candy Box.
Novawaves Profile Picture was previously known as GalacticallySteel Profile Picture, later NarcissisticNova Profile Picture.
Package was previously known as Styrofoam Package.
Zeo Profile Picture was previously known as StainlessGaming Profile Picture, later StainlessShards Profile Picture.
Facebook was previously known as Facebook Logo.

Prince, Natasha, Payton and Tiffany were originally planned to be side characters in Missing Link.
Adobe Animate 2020 was previously known as Adobe Animate, later Adobe Animate CC 2020.
Camera was previously known as Film Camera.
Noodle Box was previously known as Noodles.
VCR was previously known as DVR Player.

Displacement Capital was a planned reboot of the Zenithverse-X franchise.

QuanT.I.M.E. was previously known as Quantum Timelapse.

A third season was never created.

Christina and Ryan were planned to be in the More for the Lore cast. They were scrapped due to being the least developed.
Dylan and Vanessa were originally in an old camp called "Clash of the Cartridges".
Circuit Diagram was previously known as Silicon Chip, later Circuit, then Circuit Model.
Spotify was previously known as Spotify Logo.
Twitter was previously known as Twitter Logo.
Ax was previously known as Axe.


"規制しなかったら赤は全員、それ以外は対応する派閥の反感に繋がるからね。" — Airy, "セクション0", ループキャスト
This article or section contains content that may not be suitable for children, sensitive individuals, or a workplace enviroment. Proceed with discretion.
If you are not comfortable with reading this article, turn back now.

理由:One of the characters has purple-colored blood on her asset.

Ava, Brianna, Bailey, Brandon, Flynn, Mia and Shayla are planned to be important characters in Scene of the Crime.
Adobe After Effects was previously known as Adobe After Effects CC.

Morphenomenal was planned to be a movie.
Finley originate from one of Delta's cancelled shows titled "Ambiguous Galaxies".
Aaron originate from one of Delta's cancelled movies titled "Escape The Lost Domain Galaxy".
Malcolm, Jason and Gianna were originally supposed to appear in Ambiguous Situation before getting scrapped entirely and replaced with Campbell, Leonard and Felicity.
Griffin was planned to be a special guest in Missing Link.
Scarlett was planned to be a special guest in Double The Hierachy.
Delaney was planned to be the main antagonist of Double The Hierachy.
Juice Box was previously known as Juice Drop.
Dragonfruit Juice was previously known as Dragonfruit Jar.

Turbo Object Brawl (TOB)[]

The hosts have conjectural names.

"Stranger danger!"Lightbulb, "Breaking the Ice"
The subject of this article or section has never been given an official name stated either via in the canon of any object show, or by their creator(s); the current one is unofficial. If the official name has been revealed, please provide a source and rename it to its official name.

理由:Their names have not been revealed.
詳細:Conjectural names are italicized.


"Did you just say that?!" — Blocky, "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Battle for Dream Island
This article may contain some parts that are known to be controversial to some readers. Strong beliefs may be displayed publicly, so please take caution while reading or editing. If these things can easily offend you, or if you are sensitive to things of that nature, we highly recommend you leave this page.

理由:J Waughtal is a groomer.

The Christmasly Object Show (TCOS)[]

The Tri-Daily Object Show (TTDOS)[]

Created by Effy.
It was previously known as Very Dumb Mini Object Show.

Camp WACK[]