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Object Enable[]
- Created by ZayDash Animates.
Battle For The Remains Of South Park Face (BFTROSPF)[]
- Created by Calebddfwa.
Battle of the RC's (BOTRC)[]
Inanimate Animated[]
Fight For The Objects (FFTO)[]
- Created by Creepsington (User:Creepsington on Fandom).
The Unfunniest Object Show Ever (TUOSE)[]
- Created by leahawesomeleah100 (6dolarleah on Fandom).
Links: Playlist, article
Territorial Gizmos[]
- Created by Cosmic Comet.
Inanimate Legacy[]
Cynical Smackdown (CANCELLED)[]
- Created by Snowflame Animations.
- Only the intro is available here. Its beta version is called Entity Mania and it has its own intro.
Mayhem for Googol Dollars (MFGD; CANCELLED)[]
- Scrapped Russian show by Eugene's Animations.
- Only two intros and an unfinished episode 1a exist.