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Contest At Inanimate Building (CAIB)[]
A Pretty Precious Luxurious Emerald (APPLE)[]
Object Battle (CANCELLED)[]
- Only an intro is available.
- Backbag, Baterari, Quarter, Snowwoman, Sodie, Soil, Subscribe, Sword and Tablet Pill were previously known as Bookbag, Baterai, Qrater, Snowman, Soda, Dirt, Sub, Swordy and Tabletpill respectively.
The Perfect Object Show (TPOS)[]
Centered Around The PS5 (CATPS5)[]
- Centered Around The PS5 was previously known as Battle for PS5.
Objects of Objectland (OOO)[]
The Marketverse[]
- Upcoming series by Drew H. and co-created by Kirbosypop and SquareCube.
Item Universe[]
- Upcoming show created by DeplorableHayseed.
- Only its intro exists.