オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

Quickly Completed Object Show (QCOS)[]

Upcoming show by GoldenSponge.

Battle for Alphabet City (BFAC)[]

Created by Xylophone the BFDI Fanboy.

Battle for Battle Battle for Battle Gay (BFBBFBG)[]

Created by windomatii.

Block, Game Machine and Hugo were previously known as Dabby, Arcade Machine, and Smartboard.

Clashdown of the Items (COTI)[]

Upcoming show by HurricaneHunterJackson.

Object Palace (CANCELLED)[]

Object Palace is likely an old cancelled show made by Vince Doyen (Shattered Waters). Only an intro reuploaded by "The Object Show Archive" exists.

Battle For Flushed Away (BFFA)[]


"Missing information always give me the creeps."Book, "The Long-Lost Yoyle City" (altered)
This article has some missing information. You can help the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by adding the missing information.

理由:The creator forgot to add the other contestants. 19 more contestants and the antagonists need to be added.

Created by TehEnidSpartanRemixer.

Battle For Something Stupid, Probably (BFSSP)[]


Created by Animortis.

Object Dynamic[]

Created by BraeToons.

Likely cancelled third season of Object Dynamic. Only one intro exists.

Object Possible[]

Created by Adrianmacha2005.
