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Battle for Mirror's World (BFMW)[]
- Created by Lautyrr (User:LautyrrIAm on FANDOM).
Battle For Cool Logos (BFCL)[]
- Created by CatPop Main Content.
Too Many Objects (TMO)[]
- Created by Artificial Deluxe.
- Apple, Blue Marshy, Clippy, Torbernite, and Yoyle Token were previously known as Green Apple, Blue Marshmallow, Movie Star Clip, Poison Rocky, and Yoyle Win Token respectively.
- Hydria became CraX's grandmother in Planet Hoppers.
- Professor R. became the host of Planet Hoppers.
- Vanadinite was previously known as Poison Free Rocky.
- The intro is lost, but some videos still remain; Harder Better Faster Stronger, Choice Meme, Solo Meme, Hole in One, Happy Halloween, A Conversation Video for Bedsheet and Drone, VA Auditions
Bizarre Millionaire[]
- Upcoming show by Notepad.
- It was previously known as The Object Space Land.
Object Players[]
- Created by Raven Creations.
- The pose of Pursey is unofficial as of May 21, 2023. Her new asset was never used with limbs and facial features.
Object Oppose[]
- Created by Darryl9720.
Object Simulation[]
- Created by Lautyrr.
Battle for Universe Island (BFUI)[]
- Created by MinekraftFanAnimations.
Legendary Adventures Forever (LAF)[]
- Non-competition show by Leo Friends.
Object Gamer (CANCELLED)[]
- Created by Red_Rain01.