オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

The Minute-ly Object Show (TMOS)[]

Created by Donato Borza (WhoEvenIsStan/WhoTheHeckIsStan).

The Fifteen Minute Object Show (TFMOS)[]

Created by WoopDoo.

Object Manor[]

Non-competition show by Allenimations.

Battle for Luxurious Hotel (BFLH)[]

Created by AnimationObjectShow.

The Absolutely Spectacular Fight For Seventy-Thousand U.S. Dollars (TASFFSTUSD)[]

Created by Creepsington (User:Creepsington on Fandom).

Fight For Feline Funds (FFFF)[]

Created by englishcreamcakes.

Supernova Specialization[]

Created by PillowPepper.

Battle for Donut's Diary (BFDD)[]


"Did you just say that?!" — Blocky, "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Battle for Dream Island
This article may contain some parts that are known to be controversial to some readers. Strong beliefs may be displayed publicly, so please take caution while reading or editing. If these things can easily offend you, or if you are sensitive to things of that nature, we highly recommend you leave this page.

理由:One of the characters is based off That Liy Guy, who is a racist figure in the OSC.

Battle For Tree (BFT)[]

Created by King of Derps.

Incredible Items[]

Created by AnimatedGalaxy.

3DS was previously known as New 3DS.
cat_1a was previously known as Scratch Cat.
Crystal Ball was previously known as Orb.
Ladders was previously known as Ladder.
Medallion was previously known as Medal.
Pillowy was previously known as Pillow.
Polaroid Picture was previously known as Developing Picture.

TTTTT is the upcoming successor to Incredible Items. Only the intro and short teasers exist for now.
