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オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
Firey Speaker Box

"The. キャラクターの一覧/p155. Needs. To be. Fixed. Help me. Get it. Fixed!"Firey Speaker Box, "Hurtful!"
This page is currently undergoing heavy development and its information may not be complete. You can help by editing it so that it can achieve a higher standard.

詳細:Tons of images aren’t here.

Two has ran out of ideas

「Sorry, I can't speak Japanese.」(ごめん、ボク日本語話せないんだよ。)オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
この項目「キャラクターの一覧/p155」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。「キャラクターの一覧/p155」のトークページコメント欄履歴翻訳のガイドラインも参照してください。要約欄への翻訳情報の記入をお忘れなく。


「キャラクターの一覧/p155、みんな君が大好きだから、免除なんていらないよ!」— ピン(「バトル・フォー・ドリーム・アイランド」)、「Zeeky Boogy Doog

理由:As of now, this is the 5th most visited page on the wiki.


Fight for the Burger (FFTB)[]

Created by Dalp (Dalp392 on Fandom).
How To Wash A Kitten's full name is How To Wash A Kitten Without Making It Too Scared.
How To Wash A Kitten, Pancake, Patrick, and Sheriff Domestic originate from Object Noninterchangeableness.
Bashful originates from Metal and Friends.

Chespin from Starters orginated from Pokémon.
Scar.png orginated from the lion king.

Operation: Alphabetical Clashdown (O:AC)[]

Upcoming show by Xylophone the BFDI Fanboy

A Cookie and a Sub for You and for You As Well (ACASFYAFYAW)[]

Upcoming show by Dylanatier. Formerly known as Brawling Terrible Funny Objects. Not all characters have been revealed, and some may be replaced.

Sunnyside Object Show (SSOS)[]

Created by FlaminGingerbread.

Objetc Bonkers[]

Upcoming show by Tablet's Toons! (Tabletstoons123 on Fandom)

The Superiority Strive (TSS)[]

Created by Braetoons.
Hula Hoop was later reused as a contestant from SIS.
Renders can be obtained from the video The Superiority Strive - INTRO on Youtube

Battle For Moon Hotel (BFMH)[]

Originally created by creator:) (no links known) in 2019 on the app Framecast before it got shut down. The episodes have been reuploaded by Green Bunny.

Battle for the United States of America (BFUSA)[]

Battle for the United States of America失われたメディアと見なされています。

Battle for the United States of America、またはそれに関する情報の多くは、存在しない、紛失している、または非公開だと考えられています。したがって、失われたメディアと見なされています。情報を見つけた場合は、それが本物であることを確認し、できるだけ早く記録してください。

理由:The creator's channel was connected to a college account and the channel was deleted presumably because he graduated.
詳細:The only major pieces of media related to BFUSA exist on the channel yefromotis (a voice actor) and the official BFUSA Wiki.

Created by Jude Animates (channel deleted; Jude animates on Fandom).

My Sick New Object Show (MSNOS)[]

Created by HazelJzx.
Characters listed in bold have been removed from the show and do not compete in My Not So Sick New Object Show.

Remotery is the host of My Not So Sick New Object Show.
Vinyl Record was previously known as The Amazing Digital Circus Vinyl Record.
Glasses was previously known as Mr. Peabody's Glasses.

Dart and Pizza Box were minor characters in the first season.


Created by Paptrisha.
