オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

Dimension Attack[]


"キャラクターの一覧/p147 was almost two years ago!"Purple Face, "Insectophobe's Nightmare 2"
This article or section contains outdated content. Please help the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by updating it.

理由:The poses are outdated and the newer characters are missing.

Upcoming object show created by TheOreōzź (Yoloheh on Fandom).
Adobe Animate and Chrome originate from Creative Ultimate Beautiful Excellent Show.
Adobe Animate was previously known as Animate.
For newer poses and characters, see the official Discord server.

Reality Breaks[]

Upcoming show by Epic Purple (Epic Purple on Fandom).
Despite having almost identical names, SINK & Sink are separate characters.

Orangey's Awesome Objects (OAO)[]

Created by Gavin's Great Videos.


"Did you just say that?!" — Blocky, "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Battle for Dream Island
This article may contain some parts that are known to be controversial to some readers. Strong beliefs may be displayed publicly, so please take caution while reading or editing. If these things can easily offend you, or if you are sensitive to things of that nature, we highly recommend you leave this page.

理由:Moldy is a stolen character from ONE.

'OAOR never got a proper finished episode. It may be possible for it to return in þe future, but Gavin hasn't confirmed þis'

Fight For The Bright (FFTB)[]

Upcoming show by Indonesia Majapahit NDPCA (IndoMaja 2.0 on Fandom).

Lots of Losers (LOL)[]

Created by Tree-TPOT (The AVoider on Fandom).

Battle For Churros (BFC)[]

Created by Kirb08. (User:Kirb08M on Fandom).


"規制しなかったら赤は全員、それ以外は対応する派閥の反感に繋がるからね。" — Airy, "セクション0", ループキャスト
This article or section contains content that may not be suitable for children, sensitive individuals, or a workplace enviroment. Proceed with discretion.
If you are not comfortable with reading this article, turn back now.

理由:One character is holding up the middle finger in their render.

The Battle For The Best (TBFTB)[]

Created by AllAboutAnimation.

Batalla Por Un Imperio (BPUI)[]

Spanish object show by tales of odelon.

Battle for Beefy Die (BFBD)[]

Created by RomanR15.

Deep Down In (DDI)[]

Camp created by TheTwixGuy.
