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The Quagmire Quarrel (TQQ)[]
- Upcoming show by kemmerythegood, and co-owned by morgan and PiggyPug.
- Created by TKBStudios.
The Scene Trilogy (TST)[]
- Upcoming show by Rico Hat Scratch (no links known) and FizzyIzzyBiduMudkip (UnitedMudskippers on Fandom).
Battle for The Golden Popularity Star (BFTGPS)[]
- Created by AmongNaiomi Presents.
Object Shitshow[]
- Created by ThunderTheSimp.
Battle For A Hotel (BFAH)[]
- Created by Hfjoneairy1 on Discord.
Object Bakery[]
- Created by Cloudimations.
Battle For Object Island (BFOI; MetallizSucks)[]
- Created by MetallizSucks.
- Either scrapped or upcoming. Whether AFOS is an abbreviation or not is currently unknown.
- Either scrapped or upcoming.
- Battle For Power Again was formerly known as Battle For Power: Attack Of The Evil.
- Metalliz actually does have a confirmed name for UPS.
The Nightly Object Show (TNOS; GamingLeaf)[]
- Created by GamingLeaf.
Þe Crescendo Moonly Object Gameshow (ÞCMOG)[]
- Created by RulerOfMashedPotatoes (Chris the snowman on Fandom).