オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki

Castaway Central[]

Castaway Central is an upcoming show by Mathiesia.
Castaway Central was previously called "Battle for the Canary Islands" and "Battle for the Canary Islands Vacation".
De-Schleswig-Holstein.ogg's full name is De-Schleswig-Holstein.ogg/De-Schleswig-Holstein.ogg.mp3.
Projector Screen Ball's full name is The Ball That Helps Pull Down The Projector Screen.

Battle For Dead Idiots (BFDIdiots)[]

BFDIdiots is an upcoming "Copycat Show" by Epic Purple. A "Copycat Show" is an object show that is directly based off of another show's cast. Every character has to be similar in some way to the character they're based on and every character (except special recommended characters) must have a counterpart.

Destiny Dual-Down! (DDD!)[]

Created by Epic Purple.
DDD! is a reboot of the Fate Fight series.
Destiny Dual-Down! was previous known as "Battle Of Destiny Fighters"

Untitled Insert Placeholder Show (UIPS)[]

UIPS is an upcoming show by G00PY.



"規制しなかったら赤は全員、それ以外は対応する派閥の反感に繋がるからね。" — Airy, "セクション0", ループキャスト
This article or section contains content that may not be suitable for children, sensitive individuals, or a workplace enviroment. Proceed with discretion.
If you are not comfortable with reading this article, turn back now.

理由:One of the contestants is showing the middle finger.

E is an object camp hosted by JackTheIdiot on Discord.

Battle for the Lemonade Stand (BFTLS)[]

Created by Foldy Edits.
The designs are going to be remade. But just like with Open Source Objects, this is only for the renders. The series isn't going to be reanimated completely.

Object Island (Nicholas The Animator)[]

Created by Nicholas The Animator.

Battle for Island (BFI)[]

Created by Cometiskool.

Laziest Object Show On Earth (LOSOE)[]

LOSOE is basically a test if Ractangle could make a low quality joke show. For more information, please visit the page in Ractangle's Object Land Wiki

Object Cubes[]

Can you draw?

"キャラクターの一覧/p142, can you draw?"Tree, "Today's Very Special Episode"
The page has enough words to provide what the topic is about, but not enough high quality images or images in general to actually show what the page is about. Please help the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by adding the needed pictures to the galleries listed in the page. Once complete, remove this template.

理由:More characters are being added and therefore is incomplete.

Created by Animalsrule2024.
