オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
Kirby Ben

「今すぐ答えろ!なぜキャラクターの一覧/p136がこれほど荒らされているんだ?!」―Ben The Mage Pen(オリジナルキャラクター)、Object Shows Community Wiki

Firey Speaker Box

"The. キャラクターの一覧/p136. Needs. To be. Fixed. Help me. Get it. Fixed!"Firey Speaker Box, "Hurtful!"
This page is currently undergoing heavy development and its information may not be complete. You can help by editing it so that it can achieve a higher standard.

詳細:Many renders are missing.

Two has ran out of ideas

「Sorry, I can't speak Japanese.」(ごめん、ボク日本語話せないんだよ。)オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
この項目「キャラクターの一覧/p136」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。「キャラクターの一覧/p136」のトークページコメント欄履歴翻訳のガイドラインも参照してください。要約欄への翻訳情報の記入をお忘れなく。


Battle for Sunday (BFS)[]

Created by MelTodd (CubedFox2007/BlockerStack/likedfamily).
Renders can be obtained from the video Battle For Sunday Intro BFS 5+ (glitch warning 😕) on YouTube.
Lego was later reused as a contestant in Galactic Destination.

Super Mario Bros. Items (SMBI)[]

Scratch camp, created by KingSqaishyy5.

Object Resort (CANCELLED)[]


"Boring, this ain't the キャラクターの一覧/p136 it could be!" – AirHorn, オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
This page needs some newly updated or higher-quality poses. Please help by uploading and editing them in.

理由:Helm's render needs to be transparent.

Created by HyperCrystal. The intro can be seen here.

Object Paranis (CANCELLED)[]

Likely a scrapped object show by Tuan04062004.

Battle For The Grand Galaxy (BFTGG)[]

Upcoming show by CartoonNetwork2020E on Scratch (Darkie the Cartoon Fan on Fandom).
The intro can be seen here.
Renders can be found here.

Blessed Donut Again (BDA)[]

Created by Synical (JukeTowerofHellFan on Fandom).

"Did you just say that?!" — Blocky, "Take the Plunge: Part 2", Battle for Dream Island
This article may contain some parts that are known to be controversial to some readers. Strong beliefs may be displayed publicly, so please take caution while reading or editing. If these things can easily offend you, or if you are sensitive to things of that nature, we highly recommend you leave this page.

理由:The original voice actor for Right Angle, made various transphobic and offensive to religion remarks toward the creator of the show.
詳細:The link to the proof of Right Angle's OG VA being transphobic: https://x.com/delaybfdia13/status/1752873805272224112?s=20

Complex Object War (COW)[]

Upcoming show by SubZeroHero (Fandom account).
Previously known as
The Superstitous Object Show.


Created by Epic Purple (Epic Purple on Fandom).
It is unknown what MIDNIGHT stands for.

The Really Object Show But Only _ Contestants (TROSBO_C)[]

Upcoming show by Hazy005.

Darntootin Obnoxious Obstructive Remarkable Camp (DOOR Camp)[]

Now-cancelled Discord camp created by PiggyPug.
