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Competition of the Ghosts (COTG)[]
- Upcoming show by BigDad.
- All the contestants originally had the word "Ghost" as their first names.
- The staff were originally alive before turning into ghosts in the new intro.
- Stickynote was previously known as BigDad.
- Whiteboard and pliers originates from Mi Nombre Es.
- Object-personification parody of Mixels created by Hasanai Jarrett (Zadore).
- Renders can be obtained from the video Every Single MixToon Ever!!! on YouTube.
- All of the episodes have no audio, making it difficult to understand what the characters are "saying". However, the episode "Mixtoons Race" has captions that you can toggle by going on the video player's settings.
- Fog and Star originate from Thingy War as "special guests".
Chaotic Game Impact (CGI)[]
- Created by Loki Frederick Larsen (SuperBlockBros/Smiles on YouTube),
- later taken by Jayden Rodriguez (ponk_lol)
- Boba Tea originates from Stars of The Galaxy, and was previously known as Boba.
The True Objects (TTO; CANCELLED)[]
- Here's where you can obtain the renders: a BFTD styled intro I made in 2021 on YouTube
- Bag was later reused as a contestant from Gruesome Death.
- Diamond, Spoon, and Trashy originate from KMN.
- Door originates from Don't Watch This.
- Egg and Ice Cream were later reused as contestants from Can't You Decide.
- Trashy is AlexAB's main OC.
- Spoon was previously known as Talenti, later Wooden Spoon.
Battle For The Orange Onion (BFTOO)[]
- BFTOO is an upcoming show by Epic Purple.
Powerful Outstanding Objects (POO)[]
- POO is upcoming.
Created by Alex674.
- Created by TiringTrain.
The full name of the show has not been revealed, although it resembles an innapropriate abbreviation that breaks the wiki rules.
Legacy Brawl[]
- Created by Epic Purple🔹️ (Fandom account).
- Mikey was previously called Red Microphone
Object Antics[]
- Object Antics is an upcoming show by Annamations444. It is planned to release in late November of 2023.
I Made This Show In 9 Minutes LOL (IMTSI9MLOL)[]
- Created by Epic Purple🔹️.