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Battle For Palace Objects (BFPO)[]
- Created by WoopDoo.
Battle for the Object Island (BFTOI; CANCELLED)[]
- Created by 0znə, formerly known as EnzoTheGreatWare and Enzo du Kirby (Enzosmile on Fandom).
Object Trek[]
- Created by MrMenCentral, published on the channel ObjectTrekOfficial.
- Tesseract would later become a contestant for Object Trek TWO.
Anthropomorphic Insanity[]
- Created by Gustaboy72.
Best of the Rest (BOTR; CANCELLED)[]
- Created by RabbitRiceBall.
Attack of the Objects (AOTO)[]
- Created by ChristineCrympet (ChristineKurei on Fandom), published on the account Phancrumpet
The series can be seen from this playlist.
Competition Of The Million Dollars (COTMD)[]
- Creator unknown, possibly MordercaiIsland1010 or MasterofShadow14 (AKA StrawberrySoul) due to COTMD sharing some characters with Existent Conflict.
Substance Rumble (CANCELLED)[]
- Likely created by KingioMan247.
General Mayhem[]
- Created by OpalStatus.
Links: General Mayhem playlist, Gerenal Mayhem playlist
The Fountain Of Destiny (TFOD)[]
- Created by jw5397. The show can be seen in this playlist.