オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki



オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
Two has ran out of ideas

「Sorry, I can't speak Japanese.」(ごめん、ボク日本語話せないんだよ。)オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki
この項目「オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki:オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wikiとは」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。「オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki:オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wikiとは」のトークページ履歴翻訳のガイドラインも参照してください。要約欄への翻訳情報の記入をお忘れなく。

オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki (Object Show Fanonpediaとも) は、オブジェクトショー、それらの二次創作、またオブショー関係の架空のアイデアに関する実際の百科事典的記事を書くことに特化した、ファン運営のオブジェクトショーコミュニティ百科事典です。ユーザーは、実際にイラストを描いたり制作したりしなくても、思いついたコンテンツを「創作」することができます。

英語版がBFDIの二次創作置き場として始まったので、日本語版オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wikiもまた二次創作を歓迎しているといった所です。 We may use wiki software, but we have rules to limit collaborative editing, so no one changes your artistic vision without permission. We just enforce some article standards to keep things up to snuff.

Our mission[]

Anyone with a Fandom account can edit the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki by selecting the edit tab at the top of each page. Who knows how your edits will affect other fans? Come join the team, and help us build our wiki up to be the very best source for object show information and fanworks!

If you feel ready, you can register an account. There are benefits, the most notable being having a permanent username across the wiki which make tracking your contributions slightly easier when you edit while logged in.

Our team[]

We have a modestly sized team of users who have proven their value to the wiki. You may message them at any time to request help and guidance, or simply to chat!


We have administrators here at the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki. These users are experienced editors who can help you or be contacted if there are problems with the wiki.

Simply click their names and go to their message wall to ask for help on any aspects of the wiki. However, we do have a following list of active administrators (accurate as of July 17, 2024) so that you can get an easier response:

  • SqaureCube (Reddit名: SquaredHexahedron, Discord名: squarecube_3235)
  • Laclale (ハウスキープ寄り)

Rollback editors[]

Rollback editors (or rollbackers) are ordinary users with the ability to undo edits which are against the standards. This is usually the first group of users any user is promoted to, if they show commitment to improving and protecting the wiki.

Hosted types[]

Here at the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki, we have hosted types popularized by us! Here's the following:

  • Free-add comics - types of pages where anyone can add anything in a certain gallery with captions.
  • Hurt and Heals - type of pages with several object show characters, typically from one show, that are assigned health (HP for short) and the readers choose whose HP should go down (hurt) or up (heal), typically by commenting.
  • Object-personification - The act of turning a non-OSC media (mainly fictional or real life) into something related to the object show community.
  • Super Smash Bros. Object Shows series - An object-personification parody of Super Smash Bros., which anyone can make installments of. Not really a type, but more really a piece of popular fanwork started in 2013, but later popularized years after!


  • We are still a growing wiki, specializing in all areas of the object show community.

Since then, the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki has grown into what you see today. We look forward to a bright future, bringing our readers and users relevant and useful information they can use to learn more about object shows and their fanworks, or to simply learn more about the whole community.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)[]

Question Answer
二次創作 オブショー基準なら二次創作、二次創作を元にしているなら三次以降の創作。これらの二次創作には、オブジェクトキャンプ、オブジェクトショー、特番、映画、オブジェクト化パロディ、ゲーム、本などの創作が含まれます。
ファノンコンテンツについて書くことに意味あんの? オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wikiでは、実際の製品を作成するための時間やスキルを必要とせずに、ストーリーやアイデアを共有できます。
If I were to make an object-personification parody of a non-OSC media, what should it be? Anything! Just pick a non-OSC media to object-personificate, and now you have object-personificated it! Just make sure not to go too far; you don't want to get a copyright strike on your YouTube channel just for uploading an entire object-personificated episode of a non-OSC media, especially if you have the whole audio from the original episode implemented to it.
Just to be clear on the word "fanon"... Over time, we've attached new meanings to a few words so we can talk faster amongst ourselves. In most circles, fanon refers to widely-accepted headcanon about a certain series. But here, fanon just means a fictional or imaginary piece of media.

Likewise, you might think of a fanwork as a real piece of media. For more terminology, see the glossary.

英語版オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wikiの歴史について教えて A user going by Souleaternom (AKA Guylan, known for creating Battle for Space Palace) created this wiki in December 15, 2011. Though originally only a Battle for Dream Island fanon wiki, the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki eventually expanded into a general fanon host that allows ideas based on other object shows, as well as completely original content. Today, the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki is one of Fandom's biggest wikis of its kind.

The オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki has some shared history with the Battle for Dream Island Wiki. However, the userbase has gone through several shifts, as the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki attracted more people on its own merits. Though we might have a lingering BFDI bias, we've been a community all our own for a long time. We love celebrating the wiki's content and history.

Is this canon to a certain object show? Again, the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki is a wiki for imaginary object show ideas. Our encyclopedic style means we write about our ideas as if they were real and canon to something, even though they aren't.

There are a few rare articles that explicitly state they're being made as actual fanworks. Since fanwork development is hard, most or all of these have fallen through, so don't get your hopes up too high! We aren't a Hollywood-like studio, and we don't guarantee that these fanworks will ever have an episode released. Instead, many users put a lot of work into spiffing up the articles themselves.

Today is the release date of a fanwork! Where I can watch it? Careful: a release date on an article doesn't mean it will actually be released! Lots of article writers like to add a level of realism to their work by imagining details like release dates and development information. A release date is also no promise that the article will be finished by then. The author might still be working on it, or it might be abandoned.
Is the creator of an object show ever gonna start owning a fanwork made purely for their own show? This wiki is not run directly by any historically-known OSC member, and is fan-run.

Not all OSC members browse this wiki. And in general, companies don't take or look for fan ideas due to intellectual property laws. Developing someone else's fan idea would be an infringement on that person's copyright. Sometimes they'll land on the same name by coincidence; notice that the object show first to take the name later taken by other users are unrelated to our articles.

How do most people organize their content? Some users have a page for their own "company", which serves as a kind of second username in terms of wiki content. The company page is an obvious place to link to your current projects across the wiki. Of course, making a company isn't required, and you can use your userpage for the same purpose.

You can also create a portfolio category for your work. Tag your pages with a category name along the lines of "Object shows made by User", then click the resulting link and add a brief explanation that it is a category for your projects and fanwork. It's that simple to set up!

Do my characters have to be related to an object show or story? Original characters are a valid starting point on the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki. Maybe you'll make something that stars them later, but it's fine if not!
Can I make a fanfic, comic, choose-your-own adventure, card game, board game, Hurt and Heal, etc.? Yes! We will accept and let thrive any special formats of creativity you may want to work in! Just be aware of software limitations. You might want to browse for works in the same medium, to see how they use the tools of the wiki format.
Do I own what I post here? You own the copyright to your work, with a few caveats. Like most other wikis on Fandom, our content is released under the CC-BY-SA license. People can only use your work if they credit you, and if they reuse your content, they must release it under the same CC-BY-SA license. Although the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki isn't super well-known, this being the internet, someone might violate the license to use something found on a search engine without credit.

This is not professional legal advice. For more in-depth information, check the Licensing help page at Community Central.

But can't other people still edit my stuff? Technically, but the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki doesn't operate by typical wiki principles. Most wikis are free to edit so that anyone can add accurate information. But on a fanon wiki, only the creator of an article can write about their ideas accurately.

With that in mind, we have rules against making major content edits to others' articles. To edit and use others' content, the creator's permission is needed. We'll undo any edits we find that go against this. You can create a template to mark your work as your own, though this is not required since it is understood by default.

At the other extreme, if you want people to build on your ideas, you can add some indications to open editing to the community! You can also do this to let others use your character without needing to ask for explicit permission.

Articles on outside subjects, like Firey, are called "canon" pages and are free to edit. However, you can create a specific fan interpretation of an outside character (e.g. Flamey, a sister of Firey), or a real object show or media. Add your username in parentheses to the end of the article title, so others won't mistake it for a canon page that includes fan theories.

What if they don't appreciate my edit of a certain article? It gets reverted, and nothing else! We are not blocking you over an edit that isn't too appreciative, unless it's something that violates our rules.
My hard work... it's gone. GONE!!! If it's a fanwork of yours, it was because it had copied elements (existence shortened to 24 hours), or it was too short (existence shortened to 1 month). If it isn't, then it was because it was too weirdly specific, or had too many unnecessary aspects. What you create definitely must not be what the latter is.
何でここのドメイン名も "objectshowfanonpedia"? 言語間リンクの依頼前なので・・・(Fandom advises against changing the URL unless absolutely neccessary. This wiki is large enough that doing so could have a significant impact on the number of visitors in the short to medium term, as Google is not particularly good at maintaining search engine indexing for URL changes. The URL objectshowcommunity is a redirect to this wiki.)
What else can I do on the オブジェクトショーコミュニティ Wiki? In addition to creating object shows, companies, characters, stories, movies, and more, users can chat about anything within reason in blogs and on the Discord server made by TheOfficialJJPM7984. For more personal conversations or if you don't want to make a new account for Discord, we can also recommend arranging a meeting with one or more other users on Libera.Chat. And, of course, you can read and comment on others' work.

Aside from that, you can also host Hurt and Heals, which are those consisting of characters assigned to survive with given health, and are given by the members of this wiki to comment on who should have their health increased or decreased.

Any other required reading? Be sure to look over the Help project page for information on our rules and standards. Also, check out the tutorials section to learn how to do something here you may not have known!
I wanna ask you a question... Feel free to ask your question here!

See also:
AdministratorsUsersRegister/LoginHelpRecent ChangesStatistics

Footage of the wiki[]
